Utilizing the YouTube Merchandise Shelf is an effective way for creators to promote and sell branded merchandise directly on their YouTube channel. The Merchandise Shelf allows creators to showcase their merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, mugs, and other products, directly below their videos. By integrating the Merchandise Shelf with your channel, you can leverage your audience’s engagement and drive sales of your branded products. Here’s how to effectively utilize the YouTube Merchandise Shelf:

1. Meet Eligibility Requirements:

Before you can use the Merchandise Shelf on your YouTube channel, you need to meet the eligibility requirements set by YouTube. As of the latest information available, the key eligibility requirements include:

  • Monetization Eligibility: Your channel must be eligible for monetization through the YouTube Partner Program. This typically requires meeting specific criteria related to watch time, subscribers, and adherence to YouTube’s policies.
  • Location Eligibility: The Merchandise Shelf is available in certain countries and regions where YouTube offers the feature. Check YouTube’s eligibility requirements to ensure that the Merchandise Shelf is available in your location.

2. Partner with a Merchandise Provider:

To sell merchandise on your YouTube channel, you need to partner with a merchandise provider that integrates with YouTube’s Merchandise Shelf feature. YouTube has partnered with several merchandise providers, including Teespring, Spreadshop, and Merchbar, to facilitate the creation, promotion, and fulfillment of merchandise directly through the Merchandise Shelf.

3. Create and Design Your Merchandise:

Work with your chosen merchandise provider to create and design branded merchandise that resonates with your audience and reflects your channel’s identity. Consider creating a variety of products, such as t-shirts, hoodies, hats, mugs, stickers, and other items that appeal to your viewers and align with your channel’s niche.

4. Set Up Your Merchandise Shelf:

Once you’ve partnered with a merchandise provider and created your branded merchandise, you can set up your Merchandise Shelf on your YouTube channel. Here’s how to set up your Merchandise Shelf:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio: Go to YouTube Studio (studio.youtube.com) and sign in to your Google account associated with your YouTube channel.
  2. Navigate to the Monetization Tab: In YouTube Studio, click on the “Monetization” tab in the left sidebar menu.
  3. Access the Merchandise Shelf: Scroll down to the “Merchandise” section and click on “Set up” to access the Merchandise Shelf feature.
  4. Connect with Your Merchandise Provider: Follow the prompts to connect your YouTube channel with your chosen merchandise provider. You’ll need to sign in to your merchandise provider account and grant permission for YouTube to access your merchandise catalog.
  5. Select Merchandise Items: Once connected, you can select the merchandise items you want to feature on your Merchandise Shelf. Choose products from your merchandise catalog that you want to showcase below your videos.
  6. Customize Display Settings: Customize the display settings for your Merchandise Shelf, such as the layout, number of items displayed, and placement options. You can choose to display the Merchandise Shelf below all videos, specific videos, or on your channel page.
  7. Save Your Changes: Once you’ve customized your Merchandise Shelf settings, click on “Save” to apply the changes to your channel.

5. Promote Your Merchandise:

Promote your merchandise to your audience to drive sales and increase visibility of your Merchandise Shelf. Here are some strategies for promoting your merchandise:

  • Mention in Videos: Mention your merchandise in your videos and encourage viewers to check out your Merchandise Shelf below the video.
  • Create Dedicated Videos: Create dedicated videos showcasing your merchandise, such as product unboxings, reviews, or behind-the-scenes content.
  • Feature in End Screens: Include calls-to-action promoting your merchandise in your video end screens to encourage viewers to visit your Merchandise Shelf.
  • Share on Social Media: Share photos and videos of your merchandise on your social media profiles, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and provide links to your Merchandise Shelf.
  • Offer Special Promotions: Offer special promotions, discounts, or limited-time offers to incentivize viewers to purchase your merchandise.

6. Monitor Performance and Optimize:

Monitor the performance of your Merchandise Shelf in YouTube Analytics to track sales, revenue, and engagement metrics. Use this data to optimize your merchandise offerings, pricing, and promotional strategies to maximize sales and revenue. Experiment with different merchandise items, pricing tiers, and promotional tactics to identify what resonates best with your audience.


Utilizing the YouTube Merchandise Shelf is a powerful way for creators to promote and sell branded merchandise directly on their YouTube channel. By partnering with a merchandise provider, creating and designing branded merchandise, setting up your Merchandise Shelf, promoting your merchandise, and monitoring performance, you can effectively leverage the Merchandise Shelf to drive sales, increase revenue, and engage with your audience. Experiment with different merchandise offerings and promotional strategies to optimize your Merchandise Shelf and create a successful revenue stream from merchandise sales on your YouTube channel.

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